
Three Blind Mice

Last Updated on 2020-09-24 by Llilium


Three blind mice, three blind mice

See how they run! See how they run!

They all ran after the farmer’s wife.

She jumped on the table and dropped her knife.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life, as three blind mice

Three blind mice, three blind mice

See how they run! See how they run!

They all ran after the farmer’s son.

He chased the mice with a water gun.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life, as three blind mice

Three blind mice, three blind mice

See how they run! See how they run!

They all ran after the farmer’s cat.

She Spilled some soup on a yellow mat.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life, as three blind mice

Three blind mice, three blind mice

See how they run! See how they run!

They all ran after the farmer’s dog.

He bumped his head on a wooden log.

Did you ever see such a sight in your life, as three blind mice


  • mice 老鼠(複數)
  • run after 追趕
  • wife 太太
  • jump 跳
  • drop 掉落
  • knife 刀子
  • chase 追逐
  • spill 灑出、濺出
  • soup 湯
  • mat 地毯、地墊
  • bump 撞到
  • wooden 木頭的
  • log 木材、木頭




  • wife — knife
  • son — gun
  • cat –mat
  • dog- log

再來另一首有關老鼠的歌吧!你一定聽過他們的故事!The Country Mouse and The City Mouse


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